Alot been going on since March 11th… I got thru the midterms and even made it through the final exam. Midterm grade was 98, and I turned in all the projects, and I know I did good on the final exam.. not sure why I only got an A- in the course,,, but I guess I can’t complain… Have to decide what course I am going to take in the fall.
The young one has chosen RIT to attend in the fall.. I just need a way to borrow $25,000… what fun.. Hopefully the banks will like us enough to help us out.
I was given a surprise Birthday party a little over a week ago… I turned 40 on the 20th…. it was a surprise, and I hate surprises.. but it turned out to be a great time…. Heavy drinking involved of course.
The Springer pups are long gone but it looks like we’ll be having some Shih-tzu pups coming along pretty soon… the last litter… she will be fixed after this… enough pups already ya horny little girl..
Diet has been put on hold…. my Restart goal date is July 1st… In any case, I am still eating healthier, about half the time, but the other half is what hurts 🙂
I am heading back to norman Oklahoma a week from today, May 31st… I know I am going to be there at the same time as a few of my friends and coworkers… we aim to have a blast. 🙂
Thats it for now… hasta La Vista baby