I have no idea really, as I haven’t had much time to do anything new. Midterms are Thursday night so I’ve been studying for them. I am pretty confident I can write whatever program he wants us to write, but I’m not sure I have the vocabulary down yet. I know what it is and what it does and how to use it, but I’ll be damned if I know it’s name. Such is life.
Weekend went ok, went to a benefit Saturday, my only day off, for one of my wife’s cousins. Hope she raised a bunch of money. Last week I worked on one of her uncle’s computers. It was severely compromised ( Virus ) and a total reinstall of his software was the easiest thing to do, especially since he kept no data on the computer. So that went well I guess, I haven’t heard back from him.
The son has been accepted at several colleges now, I believe the total list is Drexel, SUNYIT, SUNY Geneseo and RIT. Of those I think his choice will be RIT, I know mine would be. In the end it’s up to him, and what he really wants.
The stepson has saved up his money and now has an XBOX 360. So today after work I have to stop and get a 25′ ethernet cable to go from the router downstairs to his bedroom upstairs. Fun. I plan on installing a 2nd router up there in his room so that we have better wireless connectivity throughout the house. We’ll see if I manage to squeeze time for that in somewhere.
Weight Watchers meetings haven’t been that good to me lately. I missed one a couple weeks ago because of bad weather, and so last week I had gained 3 pounds over the 2 weeks. So this week I have tried to be really good, and ate pretty darn good, except a couple of cheats like during the benefit and what not. We’ll see how well I did tonight I suppose.
Last but not least we are down to just one puppy needing a home. A boy. YES!! I’ve had enough of puppies for a while!! They have been one time consuming bunch of pups. Hasta La Vista Puppies, and I guess since thats abouot it for today, Hasta La Vista Everyone.