It’s been a year!!!

It’s been almost a year since I updated this blog, so I thought it was time for me to get back into it. Christmas has come and gone once again… everyone is pretty healthy and happy. Income this year is way down due to almost no overtime being handed out at the Post Office, but we manage. The wife will be going out of work for 8 weeks starting January 14th for surgery on her torn rotator cuff, and I have to be home for at least the first 2 weeks of that to babysit her. 🙂  The daughter has had her job almost a year now, and although probably not the best job in the world, it has to be better than all the other jobs she’s had before this one.  The son is on christmas break from his sophomore year at RIT, and I guess he’s liking the computer science path he has chosen, and doing well enough.  That’s about it. I plan on trying to get more business for SpecialBob’s PC Repair this year, hope it works out… A new years resolution I am going to try to stick to is, no more freebies. My time is valuable, and people just have to understand that, and if they don’t, then I don’t want them as customer’s. There is certainly the exception, but the exception will be alot more rare after the first of the year. I raised my normal rate from $69.00 per computer to $75.00, partly because a few extra dollars won’t hurt, and because too many people were asking “Why 69?”… Nobody has asked ” Why 75?”, so I guess it was a good move. I passed my most recent course at Onondaga Community College with a 96.91 Average. The course was “Foundations of the Internet” and was very very informative. I hope to learn more next semester with a more advanced web designing course. Work at the Post office is bearable, but I’m in the process of pushing that us Electronic Technicians, as well as others in the maintenance craft, get our contractually entitled daily seniority rights, that we have been denied for far too long. Other smaller issues are being brought up as well, so there was no wondering why I didn’t make the manager’s christmas list this year. That’s about it for now. Have a good one!

About SpecialBob

Computer Geek Extraordinaire...
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