Category Archives: Uncategorized
It’s been a year!!!
It’s been almost a year since I updated this blog, so I thought it was time for me to get back into it. Christmas has come and gone once again… everyone is pretty healthy and happy. Income this year is … Continue reading
Whats been happening….
Since my post at Myrtle Beach, a few things have happened… The son finally got financed to go to RIT, and for the past couple weeks has been there. Move in was exciting.. for me if not for him.. … Continue reading
Myrtle Beach
A Beautiful day at the beach… been here since Saturday, it’s now Monday… and the tan is coming along great. Now we are heading to Ripley’s aquarum, or something like that… But the beach will be here when we … Continue reading
Where’s the fun?
So little time, so much to do.. It seems lately I have no time for anything. I managed to sneak a visit in with my daughter tonight, which was nice. I think the first I’d seen her since Christmas. … Continue reading
New Puppy Pictures
Not alot going on, since I spent most of the time since I got home from work creating a webpage for each of the puppies. So if you’ve stopped by, go on over to and take a look … Continue reading
Why am I so tired?
I know why. Up til 4:00 in the morning with a bunch of teenage boys, since the Step-son celebrated his 13th birthday with some friends over. Talk about an eye opener.. I had forgotten how much energy a room … Continue reading
College News!! and OUCH!!
Thats about it for news too… I found out today that my own personal male offspring has been accepted to Drexel University. Not only that, they offered him a $12,500 merit scholarship renewable for 5 years. Thats a start. … Continue reading
It is Ron’s Fault!!
So when I was in Oklahoma being “edjumacated” in the fine art of DIOSS Maintenance, there was one theme throughout the course. The short story is that, in some way or another, maybe a little, maybe a lot, an … Continue reading
2 Down…5 To Go
So I guess another Puppy has a new home, or at least will have in 8 weeks or so. This puppy, (the family calls Mocha, for now ) is the other liver and white girl, so that leaves only … Continue reading