Yeah, real old. So like I’m the geek in the family right? And so I have to call my son to figure out how HE converted video files for playing on his Gigabeat. That’s the second or third time I’ve called him for computer related tips in the last couple weeks… how can I not feel old? He’ll be going to college next year… Here come the expenses.
As for the website, All I have had time to do lately is add things to the “Links”. I turned my old Wiki into a place for me to quickly put linnks to interesting stuff. Stuff I hope to add to the website eventually, if it’s what I think or know it to be. Thats the best I can do for now, work has been taking a toll on me.
Personally things have been A-OK, considering I have lost some more weight, having now lost 27 lbs last weigh in. It was enough to get the 25 lb “I did it” magnet from weight watchers. It’s not much, but it means I weigh 5 bags of sugar less than I did.
The laptop repairs don’t stop. Ok, maybe they have stopped, but that didn’t stop me from grabbing some cheap memory at Best Buy this last week. I bought a 1 gig ddr stick for the wifes desktop. That went in smooth, no problems, and I finally hooked up the spare printer to that computer too. Again, no problems ( although I haven’t tested it yet ). I also purchased a 1 gig ddr2 sodimm stick. I figured I would upgrade the stepson’s laptop with it. His laptop is an E-machines with 512 mb, of which 256 is being used by his graphics. It was equal in price to the laptop lcd I got for his sister, so I thought the upgrade was a good “fair” deal. When I pulled his cover off and found just one 512 mb sticvk ( I was expecting (2) 256’s) the idea that the wife’s laptop might also have a 512megger. The math was simple… 1 gig for each one of them. So I took the stick out of the wife’s laptop and added it to the stepson’s. The computer worked great. Now add the 1 gig stick to the Wife’s laptop and tada…. the thing runs for 2 minutes and everything starts giving errors. Great!… I uninstall a few things, try this, try that, even revert back to a previous restore point. Nada. So I try something I am sure will tell me the 1 gig stick I just bought is junk. I swap it with the (2) 512 meg sticks in the stepson’s laptop. Voila, everything is great… Life is good.
I’ll end on that happy note, since It’s waaaaay past my bedtime. Seeyas!