Ok, so I’ve been caught. Some how some way some one….found my blog. Yesterday I blogged about Crossloop and today, as I was about to blog a couple things, I find a comment to my blog. As it is merely a Thank You from the “Crossloop Team”, I probably shouldn’t make a big deal of it. But 3 things are important here.
1:) I have currently been on Crossloop with another computer in the house for 2 hours and 20 minutes, running antivirus, antispyware, and registry cleaners.
2:) The Crossloop team have the honor of having the very first comment to this blog.
3:) I positively love this crossloop and I should be thanking them, not them thanking me.
I do wonder how they found this blog too…hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…
Last night I added Crossloop to the website under techy tools, as well as a few other remote access options. I also added a few other things, one of which I now use, and it worked great while cutting and pasting links and stuff for the webpage. It’s called Clipboard Buddy, and it’s great for saving several items you’ve copied to the clipboard, and copying it into whatever you’re working on later. Check it out, so far I like it alot.
I also added a new page to the Techy section of the webpage. It’s merely a “Semi-Geek” page, which I created as I realized some things just didn’t fit into the sections I already had. CoolMon is what I added to that page, and altho I haven’t tried it myself ( It’s for XP or 2000 ) I’ve heard great things about it. I plan on adding it to an xp machine I have in the near future.
That’s about it for now. Tonight after dinner we had 5 deer come up near the house in the backyard and I got a few pictures, so I thought I would add my first pic to the blog ever. Yeah, it’s extremely blurry, but I’m no photographer. Not much of a blogger either, but hey, I try. Anyway, it’s time for bed for me. Goodnight and Have a Great Weekend.
…and I am watching you have dinner Bob – boo. Kiddin 🙂
We just like all our users a lot and make it a point to reach out to them – whether it is after a session or when they blog about us. It is just another way for us to build relationships with our users.