Today I have been playing around with some programs and websites. I won’t bother going into the ones that didn’t work out, but lets just say that a program designed for Vista doesn’t necessarily work on my Vista machine… but the one I played with uninstalled in about 3 seconds. Ahhh life is good.
First website link I added to my website tonight is . A huge number of tweaks. Check out line 55 right side for being able to download 10 files at once instead of XP’s default of 3.
Next I added a couple of sites for tech help. In Beta, and free while in beta, is which is I didn’t check it out much but it seems like it has potential. The Next one I added was which is another tech support site, and comes highly recommended by the Computer America Show.
Another thing I added was which is a link to Dial-A-Fix, a little program that fixes a bunch of known windows problems. Good thing to try first thing on a pc giving you problems.
Just a note on something that didn’t work out for me. Tiddlywiki is a one page wiki that is merely an html file that you can easily edit. It uses javascript I guess and was recommended by a podcast I listen too, however I found it not very pleasing to the eye. But give it a try and let me know what you think. You can find it at .
Now I must say good night for another day. Good night all.
I went to per your recommendation for FREE SESSION and got a great online support from Dr Tech. He helped me move my audio files from an old Olympus recorder. He downloaded the newest software (the one I had was outdated) and trained me about it. It was a breeeeeze. The guys there seem busy, I wanted to contact TomorroWWW who wrote in his description something I could really relate to: “Training Computers To Understand People Since 1984. :-):
Thanks for the recommendation. Added this site to my favourites!
Sorry to hear that TiddlyWiki did not work out for you. You might be interested to know that TiddlyWiki is very skinnable. You can find a collection of themes (skins) at